
We are now accepting applications for new core team members! Help us facilitate an encounter with Jesus and Christ centered community through our Abound ministries. Please prayerfully discern whether God could be calling you to give back by being on mission through Abound.

  • The commitment for coordinators and missionaries (excluding mission core) to serve on core team is a 2-season term, which is 6 months. Your start date would be January 2025 and a new core team will transition in on December 12, 2024. The commitment for mission core to serve on core team is a 4-season term, which is 1 year, January 2025 - January 2026. In addition to your potision’s regular responsibilities, we require all core team members commit to attending 2-hour Thursday evening meetings (some weeks are all Core Team formations - 3-4/season) every week from 7-9pm, as well as attending the sport or Teleios that you are on core team to serve for the duration of each 8-week season in your 2-season term.

  • Pope Paul VI said, “It will suffice to tell you in a word: only your personal and profound union with Christ will assure the fruitfulness of your apostolate, whatever it might be." As a leader in this Catholic ministry, we necessitate all core team members pray 30 minutes every day, and we necessitate commissioners and mission core pray an hour every day. Conversation with Jesus is the only way he will be able to guide this ministry through you to bear great fruit.

  • What Abound seeks to build is a transformative young adult Catholic community, and we seek to first build community among leadership that can be modeled for members of Abound as a whole. On some Thursdays in place of our regular meetings, we will have core team formations. There will also be a social each season. From bowling to board games, they are always fun and we would love you to be a part of our core team community!

  • We ask that you submit your core team application by 5:30pm on Thursday, December 12th.

  • The purpose of Abound’s director is to discern God’s will for the minintry and respond how he guides the ministry in building a transformative young adult Catholic community.

    • Missions alongside the Abound co-director to execute all director tasks. Schedules and leads bi-weekly meetings with the Abound co-director to discern the direction of Abound and discuss delegation of director tasks.

    • Creates and keeps an updated schedule of the dates for core team events, including bi-weekly Thursday prayer partners and meetings, bi-weekly Thursday formations and socials, commissioner check-in meetings, core team discernment days, and core team passdown days.

    • Leads mission core meetings, core team formation days (3x per season), core team socials, core team discernment days, and core team passdown days.

    • Communicates with mission core and commissioners to ensure tasks are completed on time. Oversees their roles.

    • Creates and keeps an updated schedule of the dates for future seasons and deadlines (season dates, registration open date, registration close date, t-shirt order date, core team application open dates, core team application close dates).

    • Determines prices for leagues with the Finance Coordinator depending on league needs and Abound needs.

    • Ensures Abound’s Catholic identity and culture is kept across the ministry.

    • Discerns prayer partners and regularly checks in with prayer partners.

    • Responsible for ensuring all core team positions are discerned and filled at each core team transition period.

  • The Abound co-director missions alongside the Abound director to discern the vision and direction of Abound and execute director tasks as decided in bi-weekly meetings with the director.

  • The purpose of Abound’s marketing coordinator is to make Abound presentable and appealing in appearance, ensuring the Catholic identity of the ministry is reflected.

    • Often takes pictures at Abound events.

    • Manages and weekly posts to Abound’s Instagram.

    • Creates t-shirt designs and places the seasonal t-shirt order (4x per year).
      Upon receiving the t-shirts, gets the t-shirts to the teams coordinator of each sports league, who will sort them.

    • Designs flyers and shares flyers with the outreach coordinator, who will post them.

    • Designs Abound swag and orders as needed. Takes charge for handing out or selling the swag (all prices should be discussed with Abound’s finance coordinator).

    • Designs outreach materials and gets designs to the outreach coordinator, who will place orders as needed.

    • Designs and regularly updates the website, especially when registration opens and closes.

    • Creates registration forms for events as needed.

    • Implements new marketing ventures as discerned, perhaps such as TikTok or a podcast.

  • The purpose of Abound’s outreach coordinator is to ensure as many young adults know about Abound as possible, so that all isolated young adults are made aware of Abound’s transformative young adult Catholic community.

    • Posts flyers in all related GroupMe’s upon receiving them from the marketing coordinator who designs them.

    • Keeps an updated Google Sheet database of all current and former Abound members and their contact information.

    • Sends monthly Flocknote emails or texts to current and former Abound members to keep them updated with Abound.

    • Organizes regular Abound tabling events.

    • Manages outreach materials (including the table, tablecloth, flyers, flyer stands, stickers, etc.) and orders new outreach materials as needed (designs for outreach materials should be requested from the marketing coordinator and ordered by the outreach coordinator).

    • Organizes regular speaking events to share about Abound, including at the end of young adult meetings and weekend Masses.

    • Acts as the ambassador of the ministry to facilitate different events and efforts with parishes and the Archdiocese.

  • The purpose of Abound’s finance coordinator is be a good steward of Abound’s finances and allocate them in a way that best fulfills Abound’s mission of building a transformative young adult Catholic community.

    • Monitors revenue and expenses that flow through Abound’s bank account. Keeps updated spreadsheets to track cash flow as needed.

    • Determines prices for signups with Abound’s directors prior to the opening of each registration period.

    • Helps Abound’s directors with projecting future costs and earnings.

    • Creates and shares budgets with the commissioner of each core within 1 week after registration closes and funds come in.

    • Discusses budgets with and gets budgets approved by Abound’s directors before sharing.

    • Reimburses people weekly as needed.

    • Keeps a running list of Abound inventory items ordered, and updates list bi-annually at each core team transition period.

    • Creates an annual income and expense report at the end of each calendar year.

  • The purpose of Abound’s locations coordinator is to ensure Abound’s events have locations to take place so that young adult Catholics can continue to gather together and build transformative young adult Catholic community.

    • Researches and keeps a list of potential locations for Abound leagues and events.

    • Reserves locations for leagues, Teleios, one-day tournaments and other special events, core team formation days, core team passdown days, retreats, daily Masses for daily Mass choirs, new branches of Abound, and occasional Abound-wide socials. Submits payments or donations as needed.

    • Submits reservation requests, emails, and makes phone calls as needed until all Abound events have secured locations.

    • Manages insurance, contracts, and other documents as needed by each location.

mission core

  • In charge of the logistics and culture of Abound’s volleyball league. The commissioner communicates regularly with the directors of Abound, but ultimately is independently in charge of the volleyball league. The commissioner oversees each position on volleyball core, and should be present at all volleyball events and activities if possible.

    Pre-Season and During the Season:

    • Leads weekly Thursday core team meetings from 7-9pm. Plans meeting agendas in advance.

    • Checks in with other coordinators as needed to ensure tasks are being completed on schedule.

    • Manages the volleyball budget as received by Abound’s financial coordinator.

    • Communicates volleyball league location recommendations to Abound’s locations coordinator and assists the locations coordinator in securing locations for future volleyball leagues.

    End of Season:

    • Plans something fun to show volleyball core members you appreciate them.

  • The purpose of the volleyball gameday coordinator is to ensure volleyball games on Monday nights run smoothly, ultimately so that Abound’s players can have transformative young adult Catholic community.


    • Takes an inventory count of all league equipment to ensure the league has all needed equipment. Orders new equipment as needed.

    During the Season:

    • Runs the logistics of the volleyball league on game days. This includes set up, take down, checking in teams, and checking in referees. The 2 gameday coordinators must work together to have at least 1 of them present at all times on game days.

    • Makes sure teams know where to go, that referees are in the proper place, and that games get started on time.

    • Manages volleyball equipment (volleyballs, scoreboards, court signs, referee clipboards, extra whistles, etc.) and brings to each game. Orders new equipment as necessary.

    • Carries out the schedule coordinator’s check-in system for referees and finds ref replacements when refs do not show up.

  • The purpose of the volleyball schedule coordinator is to create schedules for both Monday night volleyball games and for referees, ultimately so that Abound’s players can have transformative young adult Catholic community.


    • Gather a referee team of 20 or more referees. Make personal asks to people signed up for the league until a minimum number of 20 referees is reached.

    • Create a GroupMe for the referees at least 2 weeks before the first game or free play night.

    • Ensure referees are familiar with the volleyball rules prior to the season, and ensure rules are printed and read by referees to the teams on the first game day.

    • Create and relay commitment expectations, referee confirmation system, referee check-in system, and referee sub system to referees.

    • Communicate the referee check-in system with the gameday coordinators.

    During the Season:

    • Create a schedule for all games in the league. Share the schedule with the volleyball players in the volleyball GroupMe at least 1 week before each game.

    • Create a schedule for referees each week. Weekly post the schedule in the referee GroupMe and receive confirmation from each referee at least 2 days prior to game day.

    • Find replacement refs as needed, prior to game days.

    • Create a ranking system using weekly game scores, and type up the team rankings each week. Share the weekly rankings in the volleyball GroupMe.

    End of Season:

    • Choose, order, and hand out referee appreciation gifts.

  • The purpose of the volleyball teams coordinator is to create teams for the volleyball league, bringing small groups of people together ultimately so that Abound’s players can have transformative young adult Catholic community.


    • Discern and confirm 1 team leader for each team. Ensure all team leader expectations are communicated to team leaders before they give their yes.

    • Create and send a Google Form to each team leader to confirm their team names at least 2 weeks before games begin.

    • Organize teams of 9-10 players per team, with 4 minimum girls per team. Share team names and players with the schedule coordinator, who will create the game schedules and post them in the volleyball GroupMe.

    • After finalizing teams, choose a t-shirt color for each team and gather the t-shirt count to be ordered for each color. Before Abound’s marketing director’s t-shirt order deadline, share the t-shirt colors and size count with Abound’s marketing director, who will place the t-shirt order.

    • Sort t-shirts when they come in and work with the hospitality coordinator to prepare the shirts to be handed out to team leaders on the first gameday.

    • Create a GroupMe for team leaders at least 2 weeks before the first game or free play night.

    • Create a team check-in system on game day. Communicate this check-in system with team leaders and gameday coordinators.

    During the Season:

    • On the first gameday, schedule and lead a team leader training 30 minutes before any players may show up.

    • Ensure a team check-in system is in place.

    • After game 1, reach out to all team leaders to ensure they’ve gotten in contact with each player on their team.

    • Serve as a point of contact for team leaders.

    • Occasionally check-in with team leaders to ensure team prayer and hangouts are happening.

    End of Season:

    • Find a way to show team leaders they are appreciated for all they did for the season!

  • The purpose of the volleyball hospitality coordinator is to ensure that all young adults who come to volleyball feel seen, known, and loved;, ultimately so that Abound’s players can have transformative young adult Catholic community.


    • Gather a hospitality team of at least 10 people to help welcome the volleyball players when they walk in on Monday nights.

    • Create a GroupMe for the hospitality team at least 2 weeks before the first game or free play night.

    • Create a schedule of any hospitality activities you plan to do on each of the 7 Tuesday nights. Order necessary supplies needed to carry these out.

    • Work with the teams coordinator to bag up t-shirts to be handed out to team leaders on the first gameday. Order and decorate t-shirt bags if needed.

    • Recommended: write a thank you note to all players in the league to be handed out with their shirt on the first game day.

    • Engrave the team name of the champion from the previous season on the volleyball trophy.

    During the Season:

    • Create a schedule for the hospitality team each week to ensure greeters are present from start to finish on each game night.

    • Weekly post the schedule in the hospitality team GroupMe and receive confirmation from each hospitality team member at least 2 days prior to game day.

    • Coordinate the social aspect each Tuesday night, including food, drinks, a welcome table, music/playlists, and other items as needed.

    • Maintain needed hospitality equipment (speakers, coolers, snacks, drinks, trophy, pompoms, etc.). This includes charging the speakers each week. Order new items as necessary.

    • Attend and invite volleyball players to Abound’s occasional events.

    On the last game day of the season:

    • Coordinate the fun aspect of the championship game, including bringing and handing out pompoms, noise makers, painted signs, etc.
      Manage and hand out the prizes for the championship winners and the blue card winners, including the trophy, Chickfila gift cards, etc. Ensure any gift cards are ordered in advance.

volleyball core

  • In charge of the logistics and culture of Teleios. The commissioner communicates regularly with the directors of Abound, but ultimately is independently in charge of teleios. The commissioner oversees each position on teleios core, and should be present at all teleios events and activities if possible.

    • Leads weekly Thursday core team meetings from 7-9pm. Plans meeting agendas in advance.

    • Regularly checks in with the other Teleios missionaries as needed to ensure tasks are being completed on schedule.

    • Leads the Teleios missionaries in leading the weekly Wednesday Teleios nights during each 10-week Teleios season.

    • Manages the Teleios budget as received by Abound’s financial coordinator.

    • Communicates Teleios location recommendations to Abound’s locations coordinator and assists the locations coordinator in securing locations for future Teleios seasons.

    • Discerns 2 small group leaders per Teleios small group and provides formation to small group leaders 2 weeks prior to the start of Teleios.

    • Creates small groups.

    • Coordinates the musicians for weekly 9pm praise and worship after each Teleios night.

  • The purpose of the Teleios speaker missionary is to discern Catholic speakers to deepen the faith of Teleios members and to ensure the speakers are appreciated, ultimately so that Abound’s Teleios members can have transformative young adult Catholic community.


    • Helps discern and confirm small group leaders for co-ed small groups.

    • Reaches out to all prior members and potential members listed on the sign up sheets to confirm their involvement in Teleios.

    • Gathers names of interested small group members from the league registration forms, as well as extends personal invites.

    • Helps discern/confirm speakers for each Teleios night (not including the first Wednesday of Teleios, which is small group reveal).

    During the Season:

    • Arrives early and welcomes people as they arrive on Wednesday nights.

    • Welcomes Teleios speakers when they arrive.

    • Serves as a point of contact for Teleios speakers.

    • Ensures speakers send an outline of their talk, 3-4 discussion questions, and fills out the speaker form prior to the Sunday of the week they give their talk.

  • The purpose of the Teleios logistics missionary is to tackle logistical to-do tasks so that Teleios can run smoothly, ultimately so that Abound’s Teleios members can have transformative young adult Catholic community.


    • Helps discern and confirm small group leaders for co-ed small groups.

    • Reaches out to all prior members and potential members listed on the sign up sheets to confirm their involvement in Teleios.

    • Gathers names of interested small group members from the league registration forms, as well as extends personal invites.

    • Creates a large GroupMe of all Teleios members at least one week before the first Teleios night of each season.

    • Takes inventory on supplies and orders supplies as needed to maintain stock.

    During the Season:

    • Arrives early (7pm) and stays late (until the last person leaves) to set up and take down the Teleios environment.

    • Welcomes people as they arrive on Wednesday nights.

    • Takes out the trash at the end of each Teleios night.
      Keeps track of stock items and place orders as needed.

    • Creates and posts weekly “this week in Teleios” messages in the Teleios GroupMe.

  • The purpose of the Teleios hospitality missionary is to ensure that all young adults who walk through Teleios’ doors feel seen, known, and loved; ultimately so that Abound’s Teleios members can have transformative young adult Catholic community.


    • Helps discern and confirm small group leaders for co-ed small groups.

    • Reaches out to all prior members and potential members listed on the sign up sheets to confirm their involvement in Teleios.

    • Gathers names of interested small group members from the league registration forms, as well as extends personal invites.

    • Brainstorms and plans Teleios socials. Creates a schedule of all Teleios socials for the season.
      Gets a speaker gift for each speaker and writes each speaker a thank you card.

    During the Season:

    • Arrives early (7pm) and welcomes people as they arrive on Wednesday nights.

    • Maintains a hospitable environment (snacks, socializing).

    • Executes planned socials.

teleios core

  • In charge of the logistics and culture of Abound’s music ministry branch. The commissioner communicates regularly with the directors of Abound, but ultimately is independently in charge of the music ministry branch. The commissioner oversees each position on music core, and should be present at all music events and activities if possible (excluding every sung daily Mass).

    • Leads weekly Thursday core team meetings from 7-9pm. Plans meeting agendas in advance.

    • Plans and leads a training at music group reveal on the first Thursday of the season.

    • Plans and leads the large choir praise and worship night on the second Monday after each volleyball season ends, including the 2 choir practices on the last 2 Thursdays of the music ministry season.

    • Communicates mandatory dates with each member of the music ministry at least 2 weeks before the season begins. This includes the dates for the music group reveal, large choir praise and worship practices, and the large choir-hosted praise and worship night.

    • Checks in with other coordinators as needed to ensure tasks are being completed on schedule.

    • Manages the music ministry budget as received by Abound’s financial coordinator.

    • Communicates daily Mass choir location recommendations to Abound’s locations coordinator and assists the locations coordinator in securing locations for future daily Mass choirs.

    • Discerns music team leaders and music teams alongside the music coordinator.

    • Creates a Google Form to be sent to music team leaders to ask what patron saint the team leader would like for their music group. Then works with the music coordinator to schedule each music group for their respective daily Masses.

  • The purpose of the music coordinator is to ensure all young adult musicians have the resources and advice that they need to guide people in worship at Mass, ultimately so that Abound’s young adults can effortlessly use their gifts for the Lord and be transformed by him through prayer and community.

    • Serves as music coach for music team leaders and answers their music-related questions as needed.

    • Will need to research, purchase an annual subscription to a song database, and share with music team leaders to ensure team leaders have access to needed songsheets.

    • Communicates song recommendations with music team leaders and approves their song choices 1 week before their scheduled Mass. Ensures a variety of songs are being sung.

    • Coordinates with parishes and music teams if any equipment is needed, and decides where that equipment can be stored/picked up, etc.

    • Plans and leads the music for the large choir-hosted praise and worship night, including the 2 choir practices beforehand.

  • The purpose of the music ministry teams coordinator is to create music teams for the music ministry, bringing small groups of people together ultimately so that Abound’s members can have transformative young adult Catholic community.

    • Discerns music team leaders with the commissioner and music leader to lead each daily Mass group. Ensure all team leader expectations are communicated to team leaders before they give their yes.

    • Reaches out to confirm music team leaders at least 2 weeks before the season begins.

    • Serves as a logistical point of contact for music team leaders and answers their logistical questions as needed.

    • Puts music teams together based on skill and availability of signed up members.

    • Sends each team leader a Google Form (created by the Zion commissioner) to confirm their patron saint of their small group. Their music team will be known for the season by this patron saint, ex. “St. Joseph’s Music Team.”

  • The purpose of the music ministry’s hospitality coordinator is to ensure that all young adults who participate in the music ministry feel seen, known, and loved; ultimately so that Abound’s members can have transformative young adult Catholic community.

    • Plans and leads the music group reveal with the commissioner on the first Thursday of the season.

    • Orders supplies for music group reveal as needed (name tags, reveal items, etc).

    • Welcomes music ministry members on the nights of the music group reveal, large choir practices, and large choir-hosted praise and worship night.

    • Plans at least one music ministry social per season to help foster community across the different daily Mass groups.

    • Communicates with Abound members where our daily Mass choirs are singing, and invites as many young adults as possible to those daily Masses (whether in Abound or not)!

zion core