young adult retreat

  • Eremos (ἔρημος) is the Greek word used in the Bible that is usually translated to English as wilderness. It is often used in the New Testament to describe the place where Jesus would retreat to. However, it truly means “a place of freedom.” We are hoping to provide this place of freedom, an opportunity to commune with Jesus, for those seeking retreat from whatever they are retreating from.

  • Eremos is a Catholic retreat that will provide retreaters with community building activities, small group formation, talks, and opportunities to pray. There will also be freetime for additional games, activities, and individual prayer so that the each retreater can leave feeling refreshed both body and soul.

  • This retreat will be taking place at the El Shaddai Retreat Center. The retreat will begin late Friday evening on January 10th, 2025 and conclude around noon on Sunday, January 12th, 2025.

  • This retreat is designed for young adults, those who are no longer in college, but might not yet be in their permanent Vocation. This retreat is put on by Abound, but you do not have to be an active member to attend.

  • The registration cost is $150/registrant. With that, we don’t want cost to deter anyone from attending, so if you are unable to pay, please send us an email to request a scholarship.

  • There is no current deadline for sign ups. We are still in the planning process, but want to let you know to be able to mark your calendars!