Volleyball Rules:

Abound Volleyball Personal Behavior:

  1. This is a Catholic sports league meant to build fellowship, friendship, camaraderie, and strengthen our personal faith. Please remember this when playing.

  2. Please watch your language. See rule 1 for why, in addition to the fact that young kids are typically present during games - unless you are an English teacher your job is not to teach kids new vocabulary.

  3. PLEASE BE NICE TO THE REFS! Our refs have very graciously volunteered their time to run y’alls games, if it were not for them, we wouldn’t be able to support these seasons. There is typically only one ref for each game and they are not elevated over the net to clearly see the entire court. Some calls may be incorrect, that is ok (this is for fellowship, not a world championship). If there is a question about a call, bring it up to your captain and they will bring it up to the ref politely.  After that, the ref has the final say on the call and the point, please do not keep arguing the fact and detract from the primary purpose of why we are here, fellowship.

    1. If this becomes a problem during a game for an individual, the ref has the authority to give a warning (yellow card). If that individual continues to argue with or contest the ref’s calls anytime for the rest of the game, they will be removed from the game (red card) and they will not be allowed back in nor will that individual’s team be allowed to sub in a player if that brings that team down to less than 6 total players/2 females.

    2. After a player receives a red card, the core team will be notified as well as all future refs overseeing the game that that player is on. That player will not receive another warning for the rest of the season. If that player causes a problem again during that season, the ref has the authority to again remove them from the game. In addition, the core team will bar that individual from playing in the league for the rest of the season. They can still spectate though.

    3. If that player stays in the league in future seasons, the next occurrence will lead to them being removed not only for the remainder of the season, but they will be barred from being able to play any sport with CSA in the future so as to continue to foster a charitable environment for the rest of the players and refs.

  4. Good sportsmanship seen by the ref is noted and is worth a “blue card”. This is to encourage us all to continue to foster good community and love everyone in the league as our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The team with the most at the end of the season will receive a prize for everyone on the team!


  1. Three sets will be played with a score cap of 21, 21, 15.

    1. Sets must be won by 2 points with a sudden death rule reached at either 25 points or 17 points for the set of 21 and 15 respectively.

      1. If the core team concludes that games can still be completed in 55 minutes by playing sets of 25, 25, 15 with caps at 30 and 17 respectively then they may implement that change after the first couple weeks.

  2. One 30-second timeout per set per team is allowed.

  3. 2 females must be on the court at all times during play.

  4. If a team can’t get at least 4 players for a game the game is forfeited and the other team gets a 3 set win. This rule will hold during playoffs as well.

  5. A lineup change CANNOT occur during the middle of a set unless an injury occurs.

    1. Lineups can be changed as much as desired between sets.

  6. Team members colliding or hitting the ball at the same time only counts as a single hit, NOT 2.

  7. Blocks do not count as one of the 3 hits, even if several players on the same team touches the ball while blocking or if the same player touches the ball multiple times in the same movement as long it is a defensive only movement.

  8. If a consecutive hit and block occur and the ball goes out of play, the point goes to the team that was hitting.

  9. A ball in the net can be played while still in the net and not count as a net violation.

  10. A ball can only be attacked on that team’s side of the net.

  11. During a block the player’s hands can pass over the net only if they do not interfere with the other team’s attack/play or it is reasonably deemed that the ball was going to cross over the top of the net during its flight.

  12. A player may cross the center line into their opponent’s side of the court as long as it is in the free zone which is defined as the space outside of the antennas and as long as they don’t interfere with the opponent’s ability to play.

  13. The play will be blown dead and replayed if another ball enters the court during play.

  14. If both teams touch the net at the same time during a play the play is called dead and replayed.

  15. The captains for each team need to check in with the ref for that game 5 minutes prior so the ref can identify who to direct questions/comments to.

  16. Both teams and their respective ref (unless playing in the previous game) need to be at their court 5 minutes prior to their posted start time. The ref will be responsible for getting the teams together to pray before the game (the ref is not required to lead the prayer). The two teams will then do rock/paper/scissors before their game start time to determine who will serve/receive first and which team starts on which side (determined by best 2 out of 3, where 3 players from each team play each other in a single round).

  17. After the game is over, the ref will corral the two teams off to the side of the court to pray again (the ref is not required to lead the prayer though).

  18. Games during the final hour will be stopped if the time reaches 9:55 PM and the team who is ahead will be awarded the win of that game. If it is tied the team who won the either of the first two sets by the biggest point differential will be awarded the win.


For injury prevention, please ardently adhere to the first two rules.

  1. Any contact with the net during a play.

  2. Any part of the body crossing under the net.

  3. Any lift, catch, or extended time of the ball on a player’s body is considered a fault and the play is called dead with a point being awarded to the opposing team.

  4. If the player hits the ball twice (or is deflected off another part of their body during the hit) that counts as a double contact and the play is dead with a point being awarded to the opposing team.

  5. Ball touching the ceiling, wall, curtain divider, or not at least partially crossing the vertical line above the antenna on the net.

    1. if the ball hits the ceiling and stays on the same side that team may play the ball over and it is not a fault

  6. A player attacks a ball established on the other side of the net and it DOES NOT appear to be crossing the net during its flight path to the side of the person committing the illegal attack.

  7. The ball hitting the antennas.

  8. During a serve if the server’s foot touches the base line at all.

  9. Jump serves (small hops when hitting the ball is ok)

  10. Attacking (or attempting to attack) the serve (if the ball after service is still entirely above the net while in the front row).

  11. Back row attacks (a player from the back row attacks the ball with any part of their body touching or crossing the back line before getting airborne and the ball is entirely above the net). (This is legal if the player jumps from behind the back line and makes contact and lands forward of the line.)

  12. In indoor, if the ball hits the walls/poles during a team’s possession, that is considered out and the other team receives the point.

  13. In indoor, if the ball touches the ceiling as a team is trying to send the ball over, it is considered out and the other team receives the point.